
Textblocks are documents providing a text, html or file content. These textblocks are used in several situations to extend the content. For example a textblock may be used in a E-Mail message or displayed as a text instruction for a workitem.


Textbocks can be managed in the administration section ‘Textblocks’. Each textblock is identified uniquely by its name.

A Textblock definition can contian HTML, Text or a file.


A textbock can be part of a workitem description.


In Imixs-Office-Workflow a textbock can also be refered via the BPMN model by its Workflow Group and Workflowstatus if the name of the textblock corresponds to this pattern.

<textblock><itemvalue>$workflowgroup</itemvalue> - <itemvalue>$workflowstatus</itemvalue></textblock>

In this way a generic feature exits to include the task description based on textblock information


<!-- the following code computes the txtworkflow abstract from the current modelversion and processid  -->
<ui:param name="instruction" value="#{modelController.getProcessDescription(workflowController.workitem.item['$taskid'],workflowController.workitem.item['$ModelVersion'],workflowController.workitem)}"></ui:param>
<h:panelGroup layout="block" styleClass="imixs-instruction"
	rendered="#{! empty instruction}">
	<h:outputText escape="false" value="#{instruction}"/>

Rest API

There is also a RestAPI Endpoint to access the content of a Textblock by its name or $uniqueid:

  • /api/textblock/{name|$uniqueid}/text -> returns the content as text
  • /api/textblock/{name|$uniqueid}/html -> returns the content as html
  • /api/textblock/{name|$uniqueid}/html -> returns a HMTL page with the textblock content
  • /api/textblock/{name|$uniqueid}/$file/name -> returns a file attached to a textbock.


The CDI bean TextBlockController provides methods to search and create textblocks.