
With Imixs-Office-Workflow you can create forms completely model-based. No programming knowledge in HTML or Java Script is required. The Imixs-Office-Workflow Form Component enables you to design your forms at runtime. This is also named a ‘Custom Form’. The definition of a custom form is done within the Imixs-BPMN modeler. First you need ot define a “Data Object Element” with can than be associated with on or many task elements:

To activate this feature you leaf the section “Application -> Input Form” of your task element empty or add the form name form_panel#custom :

Form Layout

A form definition splits up into section a item tags. A section is mandatory and used to group items. A section can have an optional label and a default layout of 1 to 6 columns:

	<?xml version="1.0"?>
	  <imixs-form-section label="Controlling">
	    <item name="description" type="textarea"
	        label="Short Description" />
	    <item name="details" type="html" label="Description" />

All Items contained in a section are arranged into separate rows with the defined maximum amount of columns.

You will find a detailed description how to layout a form section in the chapter Form Layout


Within a imixs-form-section you can define input fields. Each input field is defined as an <item> tags that maps its value to the corresponding process instance.

<item name="" type="text"  label="Name:" />

The default width of an item is defined by the number of columns of the containing section. In addition each item has the following properties:

Property Type Mandatory Description
name text x Name of the item
type text x Item type (e.g. text, currency, date,…)
label text Optional label for the Input field
required boolean Optional indicates that the input field in mandatory
readonly boolean Optional indicates that the input field is read only

Input Fields & Item Names

Even if you can define the item names of your input fields in your custom form free, it is recommended to use a naming concept. This allows you to reuse code in a more easy way. Imixs-Office-Workflow defines already a set of standard item names used for different business objects. This naming convention makes it more easy to group related items and to exchange data with your business process architecture.

The following sections list the business items predefined by Imixs-Office-Workflow. For application specific item names the ‘dot.Case’ format is recommended. It’s basically a convention that makes it easier to see what properties are related.

Item Type Description
Order text Order name
order.number text Order number date Delivery date
Contract text Contract name
contract.partner text Contract partner name
contract.number text Contract number
contract.start date Contract start date
contract.end date Contract end date
contract.fee float Contract fee per billing cycle
Creditor text Creditor name
cdtr.iban text IBAN number
cdtr.bic text BIC number
Debitor text debitor name
dbtr.iban text IBAN number
dbtr.bic text BIC number
invoice.number text Invoice number date Invoice Date float Invoice total amount
invoice.vat float Invoice vat
invoice.gross float Invoice gross amount
invoice.currency text currency
payment.type text credit card, SEPA date payment date
payment.amount float payment amount
payment.currency text currency
payment.cycle text payment cycle (monthly, yearly, fixed date)

There are various input elements defined which can be used. See the section form input parts for more details.

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