Analytic Parts

‘Analytic Parts’ can be used to build dashboards and display any kind of analytic data from a business process. There are several part templates defined to display numbers, text, charts.

How to Integrate

A custom part is added to a form like all other part types. It has a key item and a label:

  <imixs-form-section columns="3" label="Analytic Data">
    <item name="tax_totals" type="custom" path="analyze_number" label="Tax:" />
    <item name="order_requests" type="custom" path="analyze_chart" label="Orders:" />

To use one of the part templates you need first to implement a CDI bean that reacts on CDI Events from the type AnalyticEvent . An AnalyticEvent provides the following data fields:

Property Type Mandatory Description
key text x Name of the analytic data set
value text x A text value representing the data S
label text Optional label for the data
description text Optional description
link text Optional link for detail views

The value part can be any kind of data string. This could be a number a date or a complex JSON structure like it is used to display complex data in a chart diagram.

This is an example how your custom Analytic Controler can look like:

public class MyAnalyticController implements Serializable {

	private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
	protected DocumentService documentService;

	public void onEvent(@Observes AnalyticEvent event) {
		if ("tax_totals".equals(event.getKey())) {
			event.setDescription("Some description");

		if ("order_requests".equals(event.getKey())) {
			event.setDescription("Overview orders over the last year");
			event.getWorkitem().setItemValue("", event.getValue());


In this example the Analytic controller reacts on two analytic data sets ‘tax_totals’ and ‘order_requests’. The collected data is cached in the workitem to avoid repeated complex computation of data.

The data fields are stored in an map-item with the given key. In the example e.g. ‘tax_totals’. The map contains the items ‘value’, ‘label’, ‘description’ which are used to display the information on a analytic part. An Analytic controller can of course add additional data to a workitem. In the example ‘order_requests’ we add a custom item named ‘’ which will not become part of the analytic part to be displayed but maybe used in the further processing flow.