Country Codes
The Imixs-Office-Worklfow provides the CDI bean ‘CountryController’. This bean contains methods to display a selection of all countries and also includes a text adater feature to convert a country code into a country display name. The bean uses the Java Locale util class to compute all countries.
How to Integrate
To integrate a select box with all countries in JSF you can use the following example:
<h:selectOneMenu required="#{required}" value="#{workitem.item['']}"> <f:selectItem itemLabel=""></f:selectItem> <f:selectItems value="#{countryController.getCountriesSelectItems()}"></f:selectItems> </h:selectOneMenu>
You can also use the form part pages/workitems/parts/country.xhtml
<item name="" type="custom" path="country" required="true" label="Membership Country:" />
Country Name Text Adapter
The country component typically stores only the ISO country code in a workitem (2 letters). To display the country name you can use the integrated text adapter feature:
<countryname locale="de_DE"></countryname>