
Imixs-Office-Workflow provides a set of custom input parts to assign a workitem to a section (space).

The spaceref Input

The item part spaceref can be used to select a section from the organization matrix.

    <item type="custom"
          label="Department:" />

Note: No name is required here, as a section is always bound to the item space.ref. This is an internal data item resolved by the Team Controller

Read Mode

The component can also be displayed in read mode:

      <item type="custom" 
            readonly="true" />

Selection by Process

To allow only the selection of a subset of sections, assigned to the current process, the option byprocess=true; can be set:

    <item type="custom"
          label="Department:" />

Selection by Regular Expression

The selection of sections can be restricted in addition by a regular expression with the option regex=...

    <item type="custom"
          label="Department:" />

This example will filter all sections starting with the String ‘Production’.

Note: The regex option can be combined with the option byprocess=true;. See the full list of options below.

Default Selection

It is also possible to pre-select a default value for this component. In this case the first section where the current user is member of will be assigned. The feature can be activated by the option default-selection=[member|manager|team|assist];.

Possible member options are:

  • member - Current user must be a member of one of the section roles
  • manager - Current user must be manager of the section
  • team - Current user must be team member of the section
  • assist - Current user must be assist of the section


    <item type="custom"
          label="Department:" />

This will set the default selection to the first section where the current user is a team member.

Note: The default selection also depends on the options byprocess=true and regex=. See the full list of options below.


The following options are supported by this component.

Option Description
byprocess=true Selection only shows sections assigned to the current process
regex=….; Selection only shows sections matching the given regular expression (section name)
default-selection=member The first section, the current user is member of will be pre-selected.
default-selection=team The first section, the current user is team member of will be pre-selected.
default-selection=manager The first section, the current user is manager of will be pre-selected.
default-selection=assist The first section, the current user is assist of will be pre-selected.