Form Input Parts

Within a Imixs-Office-Workflow Form Definition you can define different type of input parts within a imixs-form-section:

<imixs-form-section label="Controlling">
    <item name="name" type="text" label="Name" />
    <item name="description" type="textarea" label="Short Description" />

Input Parts

The various input item definitions are called ‘input parts’:

Text Input

    <item name="description" type="text"
            label="Topic" />


A textlist is displayed as a input textarea. The entries of separate lines are stored as multiple values in an Item List. This input type can be useful e.g. for lists of E-Mail addresses or a list of order-numbers.

    <item name="references" type="textlist"
            label="Order References" />

Textarea Input

    <item name="description" type="textarea"
            label="Description" />

HTML/RichText Input

    <item name="description" type="html"
            label="Description" />

Date Input

    <item name="" type="date"
            label="Date" />

Currency Input

    <item name="invoice.amount" type="currency"
            label="Amount" />

IBAN / BIC Input

    <item name="dbtr.iban" type="iban" 
            label="IBAN" />
    <item name="dbtr.bic" type="bic" 
            label="BIC" />

Supports a IBAN/BIC Input validation.

Select Boxes

You can also create different type of select boxes with predefined values:

     <item name="invoice.currency" type="selectOneMenu"
    	options="EUR;CHF;SEK;NOK;GBP;USD" />

You can choose one of the following types for select boxes:

  • selectOneMenu - a dropdown menu
  • selectBooleanCheckbox - a single checkbox
  • selectManyCheckbox - a list of checkboxes (layout=line direction)
  • selectOneRadio - radio buttons (layout=line direction)

selectManyCheckbox and selectOneRadio are displayed in line direction per default. If you want to display them in page direction use:

  • selectManyCheckboxPageDirection - a list of checkboxes (layout=page direction)
  • selectOneRadioPageDirection - radio buttons (layout=page direction)

You can also add a mapping of the name displayed in the select box and an optional value by using the ‘|’ char:

    <item name"myfield" type="selectOneMenu" required="true" label="Your Choice"
      options="|Option A;management.backoffice|Option B" />