The GDPR-Anonymise Service

Imixs-Office-Workflow provide a generic GDPR erasure and anonymise service. This feature can be used to anonymise or delete personal data form any workflow instance.

To activate this functionallity the Adapter class can be added to any scheduled workflow event defining a GDPR deletion period. This is conform to Art. 17 GDPR Right to erasure.


This SignalAdapter allows the deletion or anonymisation of items.

To trigger the process the following event-item definition is used:

    <placeholder>no data</placeholder>
  • delete = list of items to be deleted
  • anonymise = list of items to be anonymized
  • placeholder = test for anonymization
  • references = recursive search of references

The item definitions delete and anonymise can contain a comma separated list of items names as also a regular expression. See the following example:

    <delete>$file, cdtr.iban,dbtr.iban,cdtr.bic,dbtr.bic, $workflowsummary, $workflowabstract,txtworkflowhistory</delete-items>
    <placeholder>no data</placeholder>

In the example above the items $file, cdtr.iban,dbtr.iban,cdtr.bic,dbtr.bic, $workflowsummary, $workflowabstract,txtworkflowhistorye will be deleted. All items starting with contract. or loan. will be replaced with the place holder ‘no data’.


The tag references specifies if the adapter class should also anonymise ingoing or outgoing references. A reference is a workitem linked by the Item $workitemref.

  • OUT = all direct refered workitems will be anonymised. These are typical workitems created by the SplitAndJoinPliugin.
  • IN = all workitems holding a reference to the current workitem. These are workitems with a simple unidirectional link to the current workitem in the item $workitemref.
  • ALL = all ingoing and all outgoing refrences will be anonymised
  • NONE = no rereferences will be anonymised (default)

Placeholder Value

The tag ‘placeholder’ can be used to define a placeholder value for the anoynmization process. If no placeholder is set, the value will be cleared.