The SequenceNumberPlugin

The plugin class org.imixs.marty.plugins.SequenceNumberPlugin automatically updates the sequence-number for a workitem during the processing phase. See the SequenceService for details.


The EJB org.imixs.marty.ej.SequenceService provides a method to compute a sequence number for a workitem. The service is used by the SequeceNumberPlugin. The computed sequence numer is stored into the item sequencenumber.

Sequence numbers are defined by the BASIC configuration document in the item sequencenumbers. This item holds a list of sequence numbers for each workflow group:

Invoice Request=100001
Budget Request=200002

In case a workitem with the workflow group “Invoice Request” is processed, the next sequence number 100001 will be chosen and the next sequence number will be increased to 100002.

General Sequencenumber

In case the identifier [GENERAL] is used, a sequence number will be computed even if the workflow group is not defined by the configuration document. This feature can be used to give a unique number over all workitems independent from their workflow group.

Number Formating

A sequence number can also be defined with a fixed length of leading 0. For example:

Budget Request=000002

The sequence Service will than generate a String representation of the next number

In addition also leading characters are supported:

Budget Request=R-000002
Budget Request=R000002

Date Formating

By placing the tag <date> in the sequence number, the current date in a custom format can be added into the sequence number:

Budget Request=R-<date>YYYY</date>-000002

will result to

Budget Request=R-2022-000002